Initiative audit
Shareholders, business partners, co-owners or the owner of an enterprise can, on their own initiative, check all aspects of accounting and tax accounting at the enterprise. This will allow us to assess not only compliance with the norms of legislation, but also to assess the corporate culture, make management and decision-making processes more transparent. The main goal of the initiative audit is to increase the level of trust between investors and the company's immediate management. The procedure allows identifying weaknesses in management, assessing the effectiveness and professionalism of employees.
The main difference between the initiative and mandatory audit lies in the reasons for conducting the audit. Mandatory audit is a statutory requirement for a certain part of enterprises. Initiative verification is a voluntary audit conducted at the request of the owner or head of the organization. The advantage of an initiative audit is that the enterprise independently (in agreement with the auditor) determines the relevant parameters: period, objectives, direction / subject, breadth of data coverage.
"Dinas-Audit" - offers services for conducting an initiative audit: an integrated audit, in which accounting and reporting will be checked most fully, or thematic, affecting only a specific area. For example, our principals, who are principally important to owners, investors and creditors, will perform qualitative accounting and audit of financial results quickly and professionally.