Legal services
Realization of many tasks facing the enterprise, require close legal control. It's no secret that the future of the organization and the company as a whole depend on legal support in the business of certain actions. Our experts are experts in the following legal services:
Establishment of the legal service of the organization and ensuring its functioning.
Full legal support of individual business projects
Legal support for the preparation and implementation of investment projects, including the formation of competitive documentation.
Legal support of transactions for the acquisition or joint conduct of business.
Preparation and preparation of any types of contracts, including the preparation of agreements with escrow-agent and other security obligations for individual projects.
Representation in litigation in various categories of disputes.
Creation, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities.
Examination of transactions for which it is necessary to obtain approval, permission in the bodies of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation in accordance with the antimonopoly legislation;
Preparation of documents and representation in the bodies of the FAS Russia in accordance with the antimonopoly legislation.
Preparation and conducting of negotiations.
Creation of legal service of organizations and enterprises, ensuring its functioning.
Legal development of the sequence of actions of the customer with the definition of the tasks necessary to achieve the desired goal.
Participation in negotiations.
Risk assessment in business.
Preparation of expert opinions.
Preparation and support of litigations:
Drawing up a statement of claim;
Formation of the legal position of the party to the trial, including the preparation of a reasoned response at any stage of the arbitration process;
Participation as an intermediary in the pre-trial settlement of the dispute;
Drafting of the necessary documents for appealing the court decisions;
Preparation of other procedural actions.
Representation in relations with tax, customs and other state bodies.
Consulting on civil, tax, land, entrepreneurial, labor law issues.
Legal support of transactions, including the acquisition of real estate.
Preparation and drawing up of any kinds of contracts.
Preparation of the necessary documents for the implementation of activities in the securities market.
Participation in bankruptcy proceedings.
Registration of the issue of equity securities.
Optimization of business processes, reduction of costs through changes in the way work is organized.
Development of a management system for operating activities.
Project management.
Setting up logistics management systems and personnel.
Development strategy development.
Organization of corporate financing.
Investment and financial design.
Advising on reorganization and restructuring.